Meet partners, users and the upKeeper Team!

At upKeeper we’ve got a lively user community.

A couple of times each year we host user meet-ups and other events with the aim to educate and inform. But maybe even more importantly these events give our users the chance to discuss the future development of upKeeper with us.

On top of that every event is an amazing opportunity to exchange ideas, knowledge and experiences from other users.

As a complement to these real life events, we also arrange Webinars.

Our recurring events

upKeeper Open Logo

upKeeper Open is an annual meet-up for all our users to discuss the future of upKeeper, giving them the opportunity to meet our development team, other users and exchange ideas.

upKeeper H.O.U.S.E logo

H.O.U.S.E. – a place for meetings and innovations! We’ve arranged this annual event together with Hi5 (now Advania) and Office. A full day filled with seminars, inspirational talks and a massive exhibition area for meeting our partners, getting some swag and of course checking out the latest IT-innovations.

upKeeper Landstingsträffen

Landstingsträffen is a meeting for IT departments at Regional Councils (Landsting) During this annual event we discuss the specific challenges Council IT-departments face.

Event Calender

07 May 2025

upKeeper Open 2025

May 07 - May 08

Den 7–8 maj samlas vi på Clarion Hotel Umeå för upKeeper Open 2025. Eventet är för dig som vill utforska de senaste trenderna inom klienthantering och klientsäkerhet samt fördjupa dina kunskaper om våra produkter.

Find out more

upKeeper Solutions events | Livestorm